Four Healthy Back Pain Products for WFH Under $125 TOTAL

Like many Americans, I suffer from Back Pain. Even before COVID-19, I’ve spent more work days at home than in an office in my 16 year career in Human Resources and Recruitment. Work from home (WFH) means having to be more proactive with ergonomics and activity to make sure I don’t have back flair-ups. 

I’m also 5’3 and I fluctuate between 15lbs, all on a curvy level, but no matter what size I’ve been, I’ve always carried a large amount in the front top half if you know what I mean. My upper back can really get angry sometimes, and my lower back has occasional flare-ups too. 

For those with arthritis, back pain and general inflammation, there seems to be this trend away from Icy Hot, and Bengay and to this product called Voltaren. My Mom also has back problems and she also has an auto-immune disease called Sjogrens. Due to inflammation from the auto-immune disease and general back problems, she thought Voltaren was her savior. The prolonged use caused her so many problems and the build-up caused a lump in her back and blurred vision. She was concerned she was going blind for a while.  

Here are the many harsh side effects of Voltaren: upset stomach, Heartburn, stomach pain, Diarrhea, Constipation, bloating, Gas, ulcers, dizziness, headache, nervousness, skin itching or rash, blurred vision, or ringing in the ears.

There’s an easy assumption to make that medications that are in cream form, or that are over the counter are not as serious. That’s simply not true. I’ve used Retin-A for acne for the majority of my life and it’s a real medication that can cause skin-cancer if I’m not diligent with sun-screen usage. Think about this too… We put flea medication and collars on our pets, and the medications permeate their whole body enough to repel and kill insects. 

Another thing you may want to be really cautious of is taking over the counter pain medications like Advil (ibuprofen) and Tylenol (acetaminophen). I used to take 12 Advil in a day easily when I would have cramps, and my Mother took Advil for everything. They literally eat away at your insides. Google it. My family were culturally Advil poppers until we all started to experience gut lining problems. 

Ok, so now onto my recommendations for a healthy WFH back pain relief routine for a healthy back life. All of these products together should cost under $125 total. 

  1. Back Buddy Back Massager - This is a handheld back massage stick so you can massage your own back. No more burdening your significant other or friends with giving you a massage. For you single ladies and lads out there, this is a must have! I’ve had a handheld back massage stick for the last 8 years and I use it weekly. There are weeks where I use it daily. My Husband never used it until he recently had back problems from WFH. His response was “I can’t believe it took me this long to use this thing!” At the time this blog was posted, you can purchase it for $29.99 on Amazon Prime with 2 Day Delivery most anywhere in the US. The Back Buddy Back Massager also comes with a manual to guide you into using the product. It’s really not hard to figure out though. Hook around to the places you can’t reach and go to town. 

  2. Prima R+R Cream Advanced Recovery Rub - I used this cream on my back every single night before bed, and sometimes at other points in the day when I’m having a back problem flair-up. It is a CBD product, and it also has botanical oils including tea tree, peppermint, lavender and rosemary. Prima R+R Cream also has shea butter but it’s not greasy. I’ve tried other CBD creams and they smelled awful or were too greasy, or they didn’t work. Prima products are made in California and they’re amazing. Prima is also vegan and cruelty free. I reached out to them to become an Affiliate because I love them so much. For 25% off your order, head to and use the promo code THEBOSSYSAUCE. The promotion amount can change in the future as 25% is very high, so don’t miss out. 

  3. Foam Roller - If you don’t have one of these by now, and you have back problems enough to make it this far in this blog post, just buy one. You can get one on Amazon for $10-$20 delivered in under 2 days most anywhere in the US. The foam roller included in this link is one from Amazon that’s very popular and listed for $14 the day this article was posted. If you have a Costco Membership (and it’s still available) I have the Lolë Foam Roller. I purchased it for $19.99 and I’ve seen it priced from $14.99 to $29.99 at This one does have bumps or ridges, which is a different style. I prefer it, but some prefer the flat surface foam roller. The nice thing about Costco is the return policy. 

  4. Homedics Weighted Comfort Massage Wrap with Vibration and Heat - This was another great Costco find for me. I use it at my desk at least 1-2 days a week while WFH. It’s really nice during the Winter to help keep me warm as my office tends to run a little colder. Of course, the primary use is for my back pain. Is it the biggest vibrations ever? No. But, I’m working and don’t want anything too distracting, loud, and jolting. This drapes over my shoulders and I can have just heat, just vibration (2 settings) and I have two heat settings. There’s also a safe plug with the cord so I don’t need to go to the outlet to unplug every time I’m done. Leaving it plugged in can be dangerous. Remember all those warming blanket fire stories from the 70’s through 90’s? No need to worry here. The Homedics Weighted Comfort Massage Wrap is $36.99 at Costco, and sometimes you can catch it on sale. If you don’t have a Costco membership, you can find it for $49.99 on Amazon. If you’re looking for a super intense back massager, this isn’t it, but you’ll be able to go about your WFH day with a little more comfort. 

If you’re trying to be Voltaren and Advil free, this is a great starting place. I also have three more recommendations that aren’t necessarily product based, although products can be associated with them. 

  1. Walking or bike riding. Running can be hard on the knees and your bridge, but walking, hiking and bike riding are great ways to stay active. Activity does help with back problems. I used to do Spinning every Monday and Wednesday, and do Sunday Morning Yoga before COVID-19 took down all the options for group exercise. I have to admit… It’s really hard and my muscle mass has gone down. I’m forgiving myself for that but just trying to keep up with walking. I’m lucky to live in Berkeley, CA where the weather is never really that bad. Even if you’re hunkered inside, get a cheap or used exercise bike or walk or hula-hoop or jump rope in front of your Netflix show. Anything helps. 

  2. Yoga and Stretching… I dropped this idea a second ago and I LOVE going to a traditional Yoga class and studio. I miss it dearly. It’s not the same at home, but we have to make concessions. Every time I see my dog stretch, which is many times a day, I try to stretch with him. It may be minimal, but it’s better than nothing. There are TONS of free YouTube videos for free. Popsugar does some fun exercise videos BTW.

  3. Meditation and Deep Breathing - There are so many body aches and problems that arise from stress. I also have IBS and my Gastroenterologist told me that she’s never been busier than this last year (first year of COVID). Stress is truly at the Core of everything. After you stretch with your Cat or Dog, take a couple deep and slow breaths. 

Lastly, if you’re in the East Bay across the Bay from San Francisco and live in Oakland, Emeryville or Berkeley, I highly recommend my Chiropractor Christina Mullen. Christina is the founder and one of the practicing Chiropractors of Dogwood Bodywork & Performance in Emeryville, CA. I’ve been seeing Christina for around 4 years. She’s 5 star rated on Yelp and even when she wasn’t in my insurance, I’ve paid out-of-pocket to go to her. She has payment packages for those not in-network and she’s handled difficult insurance claims for me before… This is on-top of her being hands down the most fantastic Chiropractor ever. She’s also a female founder and just a lovely person. I could not recommend Christina Mullen more! Make sure you research your Chiropractor before going to a new one so you don’t end up in more pain. 

Hang in there back-pain buddy. Just know, you’re not alone. So many of us are suffering through back problems.

Cheap back products that work. Back products for WFH. Back products for back problems. Best back products 2021. Best back products for women. Back product reviews. Reviews of the best back products 2021. Chiropractor back products. 2021 Back Product Reviews.

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